Jazz Education

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Jazz Education / Arts in Education Programs  / Performances

"A Century of Jazz"  Arts in Education Program

" A Century of Jazz ", 100 years of jazz development. A demonstration of a variety of jazz forms and styles, supported by a historic narration, a musical insight, a question and answer session,
and a inspirational workshop. Jazz music from its birth to the present. Professional musicians and vocalists. Designed for Concert, Workshop, or Student Assembly.

This program instills a positive attitude and direction towards musical and social growth. This no limits approach combined
with a structured musical lesson plan  illustrates the value of jazz education in our society.

"Jazz Appreciation Program for Younger Audiences"

Jazz Education is very vital for our newer generations. Teaching thoughts of imagination, personal expression, and self discipline to help them achieve whatever goals they dream. 
Emotions soar high in young hearts and jazz music gently provides an enrichment and fulfillment to their wandering passion.

"Smooth Jazz & Vocals" - Performance 
High Energy Contemporary Jazz. Compositions and performances of Airborne contain: Moods of romance, inner spirit, peace, fun, and excitement. Grooves that move soft , smooth, then wild. Hot rhythms that cruise on a cool sea of music and voices. A beautiful jazz sound of island passion and urban emotion. Music that is straight from the heart and that echo's from deep within the soul. A whirling musical journey packed with sincerity and flawless execution. Lifting you to higher joy and awareness.

"Jazz Trio with Vocals" -  "Jazz Legends Performance"

Cool Jazz, Swing, Bebop, Latin Jazz, Smooth Jazz and Vocals. Mellow, easy listening and also funky. The music is sensitive and intimate. 
A collection of jazz standards of the great jazz legends of yesterday and today. The music takes you back to another era in time but also keeps you right in the groove.
It will have you smiling, singing, swaying, or just closing your eyes enjoying a real pleasant morning, afternoon, or evening.

Versatility & Repertoire

1900's-1920's - Blues, Traditional, & Ragtime

1930's-1940's - Big Band Swing & Standards

1950's - BeBop, Island & Latin Jazz

1960's - Modal & Cool Jazz

1970's-1980's  - Fusion, R&B, & Funk

1990's-2000's - Smooth Jazz , Contemporary Jazz & Vocals / World Fusion

Click on MP3 and Listen to Music Samples

(Music samples contain a musical example of the jazz style and a brief narration)

Traditional Jazz  -  MP3      The Blues -  MP3       Big Band Swing Era  -  MP3      Jazz Blues - MP3 

  BeBop - MP3     Cool Jazz - MP3      R&B  -  MP3     Contemporary Jazz  - MP3     Smooth Jazz  - MP3

Jazz is a great American Artform

Prestigious, Cultural, Historical

Educational & Inspirational

Airborne Jazz has been on the Performing Arts Touring Rosters since (1992)

New England Foundation for the Arts

Connecticut Commission on the Arts

Up to 50% of the band's performance fee can be funded


As Performing Artists, Recording Artists, Educators, and as Humanitarians the band's quality
of excellence and compassion has kept them on the road to success

Airborne Jazz

7 Hillside Ave New Haven CT 06512 USA

Call - (203) 468-0587 or Email - airbornejazz@snet.net

Airborne Jazz / Jazz Education / A Century of Jazz

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